Here is a step-by-step guide to a powerful cord cutting ritual that will help reclaim your energy.

Cord cutting is a spiritual practice that involves consciously cutting the energetic cords that attach us to other people and animals. This helps to restore chi levels as these attachments can siphon off energy and leave you feeling drained. It also helps to maintain healthy energetic boundaries and reclaim your sovereignty.
Energetic cords can and do grow back which is why a daily cord cutting ritual is a valuable practice.
💁 Tip: To learn about the what, why and how of etheric cords check out this article.
Energy and freedom
Firstly, since these cords act as a two-way highway between people it allows for an exchange of energy. This can be problematic particularly for those who are immunocompromised or highly sensitive. In individuals like this their energy reserves deplete greatly.
Secondly, energy cords help us to relate to others. Over time that connection grows and the relationship tends to deepen often making it difficult to let go and move on when the time comes.
Benefits of cord cutting
The benefits of incorporating a cord cutting ritual into your daily practice will:
- Help to curtail energy leaks
- Strengthen your energetic boundaries
- Help to boost immune function
- Regain autonomy over your emotional & mental wellbeing
- Bring about a two way closure from relationships that are no longer symbiotic
Our daily cord cutting ritual
This spiritual cord cutting technique is quite unique to others I have encountered. In this ritual you will be working directly with your soul, cutting energy cords by disconnecting and recalling them.
1. Chi up
The effectiveness of this exercise depends on having a good amount of chi (energy). You can boost your chi levels by energising your dantians.
Dantians are the three energy reservoirs that are located in the head (upper), chest (middle) and abdomen (lower). For the purpose of this exercise you will need your lower dantian fuelled.
To do this, you can engage in any one of the following three methods:
- Using your CLP Chi Ball. Connect to and give the command…chi ball energise lower dantians. If you have time, you can request all dantians be energised
- Asking your soul to energise your lower dantian
- Practice Qi gong routines that build energy in the lower dantian (there are lots of great videos on Youtube such as this one)
2. Call in your soul
Though they should be our souls are not always in our bodies. Before you start this ritual find a quiet place and make yourself comfortable.
Once seated close your eyes and bring yourself into a meditative state, now ask your soul to be with you. The phrase I use…
Soul please be with me.
You should get a warm tingling sensation once connected to your soul, if you have vision you will see your soul.
3. Assess
Whilst in this meditative state you can do one of two things:
- Visualise (if clairvoyant) taking a birds’ eye view of your body and look for the energetic cords attached to you. You may find they are similar to umbilical cords, some wispy & others much thicker more established
- Feel into (if more clairsentient) the cord attachments, try and get a sense of how many there are. You can try asking your soul for more detail
Once you are more seasoned in this process, you can ask your soul or feel into each cord to find out who the attachments belong to. This takes large amounts of energy in the beginning therefore you need lots of practice under your belt first!
4. Disconnect cords
Still in the meditative state give your soul the instruction to disconnect all cords, one by one. I like to say…
Soul please disconnect all cords attached to me.
Again, if you are a visual person you may see your soul cutting the cords with a sharp implement or the soul may simply hold onto and pull each cord out. Watch the cords retract back from where they came.
Do not be concerned if you cannot see, you should be able to feel as each cord is disconnected by a shift of energy in your body, in the beginning this may be subtle.
Allow enough time for all cords to be tended to, this will take practice whether you see or feel.
5. Recall cords
Whilst there will be cords attached to you, your soul will likely have sent cords out to others. After completing step 4 (disconnecting cords) ask your soul to recall your cord attachments by saying…soul please recall all cords back to me.
All of your energetic cords should retract back to you.
6. Check
Once complete, you can take a birds’ eye view or feel into your soul, to check all cords have been removed. If you think there are still cords attached, take a substantial break and go through the process again.
Don’t forget your manners & give thanks to your soul for his/her hard work.
I would suggest building this process into your morning and evening routine, the more you do it the quicker you will recognise the signs and be able to tackle on an as needed basis.
What to expect after a cord cutting ritual
If you have completed the exercise properly and dependent on your sensitivity levels, you should feel a rush of energy return to you. If you don’t have this sensation but you do feel more energised then you know it has worked.
Cutting spiritual ties doesn’t mean a friendship/relationship will end for good, rather it will help to improve the dynamic and allow both parties to positively move forward. Think of cord cutting as an effective tool to enhance your life!
A helping hand?
Hmmm, what if the souls simply will not detach or stay detached? Then you may need assistance with cutting energy cords.
I offer the ability to work directly with what we call a BFG…a ‘Big Friendly Guide’.
A BFG is from the Archangel realm and is hardwired into your own DNA, with the sole purpose of being your personal mentor. One of the many ways your BFG will work with you, is to cut these energy cords with greater ease.
If you would like attunement to a BFG, please get in touch with me to find out more information on the process and cost.
Persistent cords and root systems
On occasion the connection with another is so deep and so established that it creates a root system between the souls, a bit like a tree. In these cases cords tend to be fairly persistent and will grow back almost immediately.
I have come across a case where two friends had numerous past lives together as partners and twin siblings. The connection from both souls was so intertwined it meant cutting cords became futile. Because of this the two individuals began to suffer a form of chronic fatigue. An intervention was sought, the root systems on both sides had to be pulled out and a block put in place so the connection was unable to re-establish itself.
This is just one example. All complex cases have to be treated according to the severity of the situation.
If you suspect this is happening to you please a make a booking to see how I can help.
Sharon 🌿🔮
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