We are all spiritually connected via etheric cords that allow for a two-way transfer of energy. Whilst some of these connections may be beneficial, they can also be a significant drain on our energy reserves to the point of physical exhaustion. Let’s get familiar with what and why of energy cords and how to cut them.

What are energetic cords?
Energetic cords (also called spiritual or etheric cords) are invisible strands of energy that attach us to other people and animals.
We naturally form etheric cords between friends, family and loved ones, just as we do between bullies and enemies. All it takes to form a cord is a connection of some kind, it could be as simple as thinking of the other person. It is not uncommon to have multiple cord attachments and, in some cases, these can be well into double digits.
⚡ Once a connection has been established, etheric cords act as a two-way highway allowing a transfer of energy, thoughts, feelings and emotions.
The deeper the connection with a person the stronger and thicker the cord will grow to be.
Energetic cords are not visible in the physical world, they are however detectable in the virtual/spiritual realm. For those with clairvoyance abilities you may find they look similar to an umbilical cord.
These energy cords traverse time and space and can attach to members of your soul family from past and present incarnations. Meaning, you do not need to live in close proximity to form a connection!
Types of spiritual cords
As mentioned, energetic cords can attach between people who share some form of connection, examples:
- Romantic relationships
- Parent and child, siblings and other family members
- Friendships
- Pets
- Colleagues and other business partnerships
- Clients and patients
- Teachers and students
- Neighbours
- Abusers, bullies, enemies, competitors, stalkers
Etheric cords of attachment: pros and cons
It is important to understand that the transfer of energy through etheric cords is not necessarily negative, you can encounter some positive experiences.
Some cords provide for a mutual exchange of love and care such as those between a parent and child. They help us relate to others think Mother’s intuition, the bond between sisters, or the empathy shared between practitioner and patient.
Here is a testimony of a client:
💬 The moment I ended a significant relationship many years ago, my sister on the other side of the city burst into tears for no reason whilst watching TV. It wasn’t until she phoned me the next day that she realized why.
On the flipside etheric cords can be an obstacle to your health and wellbeing, as with every cord connection made, there is the potential for a significant drain in energy. What’s more these connections can have a negative effect on your frequency levels.
With every connection you make there is the potential for that connected person to drain your energy levels and lower your frequency.
Individuals with low immunity or long-term health issues tend to feel the effects of these etheric cord attachments more strongly. Highly sensitive and creative people also fall into this category. What they encounter can be debilitating, similar to that of chronic fatigue.
In my experience physical exhaustion is one of the main signs of cord attachment.
This is why spiritual cord cutting is soo crucial in preserving our own energy reserves. And it is particularly pertinent when it comes to difficult relationships in all their forms.
Energy cords between ex-lovers or other difficult relationships
Naturally energy cords are formed in romantic relationships and can become problematic when the situation changes leading to a break-up. The psychic cording between the two parties inevitably remains intact keeping a channel of energy flowing, including thoughts and emotions that may not be beneficial to either individual.
The negative feelings that come with a break-up, be it bitterness; resentment; jealously or anger may not be born from yourself or in the very least, may not be all yours. They could be those of your ex-partner (romantic or otherwise) especially if you are the more considered and balanced one!
Cutting energy cords with ex partners and other traumatic or difficult relationships, allows closure and a lighter heart as you finally let go.
How does cord cutting affect the other person?
Successfully cutting cords with another person can provide a rush of energy back into your body. The person on the other end may notice energy leave them or vice versa depending on who was the energy thief!
Cutting etheric cords
Because we are continuously forming energetic cords, it is good practice to get into cutting them as often as possible. I would suggest starting a morning and evening routine then when you become more aware of the signs, you can jump onto it as needed.
We have provided a step-by-step guide to our own cord cutting ritual here.
If you’re finding it difficult to do this on your own, book in an appointment and I can do it for you.
Sharon 🌿🔮
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